Sunday, November 13, 2005

Create Your Own Ceremony with Free Downloadable Wedding Ceremony Models

Quicklink to Downloadable Model Wedding Ceremonies

I first began providing written ceremonies in a manipulable format via email as a courtesy for my client couples, as I felt couples had a right to review and approve what was going to be said at their wedding ceremony.

As my wedding officiant client process has evolved to include this weblog, I have decided to provide my clients and prospective clients with the opportunity to download and begin producing their own ceremonies directly from this website. Also, working with one document can be a productive approach when organizing the different persons, elements and language involved in any wedding ceremony.

Absolutely every element of these wedding ceremonies is open to change, your review, or could be reconfigured to match your preference. Please feel free to cut and paste using these documents as the starting draft of your own final wedding ceremony.

You may be interested to add in everything from your own family names, your own wedding poetry, the names and passages for your guest readers, your own vows, your unity ceremony stage direction, or whatever you like.

Please find links below to a downloadable assortment of model wedding ceremonies, that may be useful to you as a starting point to develop your own ceremony (Microsoft Word format).

Downloadable Model Wedding Ceremonies Table of Contents

Downloadable Heterosexual Wedding Ceremonies
Heterosexual “Buddhist spiritual style” model wedding ceremony
Heterosexual “Christian spiritual style” model wedding ceremony
Heterosexual “legal marriage style” model wedding ceremony
Heterosexual “non-denominational style” model wedding ceremony
Heterosexual “Spanish/English mixed language style” wedding ceremony

Downloadable Same-Sex Female Wedding Ceremonies
Same-sex female “Buddhist spiritual style” model wedding ceremony
Same-sex female “Christian spiritual style” model wedding ceremony
Same-sex female “legal marriage style” model wedding ceremony
Same-sex female “non-denominational style” model wedding ceremony
Same-sex female “Spanish/English mixed language style” wedding ceremony

Downloadable Same-Sex Male Wedding Ceremonies
Same-sex male “Buddhist spiritual style” model wedding ceremony
Same-sex male “Christian spiritual style” model wedding ceremony
Same-sex male “legal marriage style” model wedding ceremony
Same-sex male “non-denominational style” model wedding ceremony
Same-sex male “Spanish/English mixed language style” wedding ceremony

Interested to see how these ceremonies will go over with your guests?

Please find a downloadable Adobe Acrobat document of client testimonials under this link for your review.

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Friday, November 11, 2005

"David, We Just Want a Legal Marriage ..."

Many of my clients seek the services of a Justice of the peace not for a large wedding ceremony, but for a small one.

I’m very happy to do as little or as much ceremony for your wedding as you prefer, and I am available to meet privately for your legal marriage.

Some couples prefer to have only traditional vows, some prefer only vows and a brief poem, and some couples like an entire ceremony with a ring exchange. I officiate at events with only the bride and groom, and sometimes with only the bride, groom, and a photographer.

All that is legally required is that:

1. you both understand that you are engaging in a wedding,

2. you both freely agree, and

3. that your officiant declares by which authority he/she pronounces you wed.

I have done weddings as modest as a conversation at a coffee shop table (three times), but in my experience, many small weddings “grow” into smaller events.

I look forward to working with you.

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

"Do We Need Any Official Witnesses?"

The simple answer to this question is, no.

The current practice throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts uses a marriage license which does not require, and does not provide any opportunity for witnesses in addition to the officiant.

Often, couples will have a close friend ask if that person can be the couple’s “official witness” for their marriage ceremony. However, the marriage license used in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts does not provide an opportunity nor does it require additional witnesses.

Your officially licensed Justice of the Peace is the only witness you need!

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

“What Does It Mean to ‘Write Our Own Vows’?”

When couples seek to write their own vows, I typically point them towards a two-part vow sequence in my model ceremony as a starting point and an example. The first part of the vow is in the form of an interrogatory, and oftentimes goes –


“Party A First Name Last Name, do you take this man/woman, Party B First Name Last Name, to be your husband/wife, to live together in matrimony, to love him/her and honor him/her, and, forsaking all others, be true to him/her now and forever? If so, please say, “I do.”

(Party A’s response: “I do.”).

After the other Party has agreed to same or similar, the second part of the vow is often a repeat-after-officiant sequence, such as -

I, Party A First Name Last Name, take you, Party B First Name Last Name …
to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife, …
I promise to love you.
I promise to trust you.
To remain committed to you all my days
To be generous with you,
To be with you when you are happy,
And when you are in pain.
And to be receptive to the gift of your love.


I, Party A First Name Last Name, take you, Party B First Name Last Name …
to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife …
I promise to love you.
I promise to trust you.
To remain committed to you all my days
To have and to hold,
from this day forward,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health
for as long as we both shall live.

These passages described above (or similar) are generally considered “the vows.”

In writing their own vows, different couples take likely as many different approaches as is possible. Some couples throw out the entire repeat-after-officiant sequence and proclaim their vow of marriage straight from the heart and without rehearsal. Other couples include a personal vow in addition to the vows given as an example above.

Many couples re-write the language given above in the same style as the vows above, but to reflect their own ideas about marriage, love and commitment.

I’m happy to assist with this process as you need or prefer. If your new family includes a professional writer, I’m happy to let the skilled trades handle the task. However, if you and your fiancée are way too busy with the myriad of details to be attended to in putting together a wedding, I’m happy to work out the language using your ideas and themes.

Please find a downloadable Microsoft Word document with sample wedding vows from 16 different faiths here at "Vows of Various Faiths".

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Getting Acquainted and “Working Meetings”

"David, do you charge for additional meetings?"

The answer to this question is "yes and no."

Even if they are not “officiant shopping,” many couples feel that they want to at least meet the person officiating their wedding before the ceremony, and I’m happy to make myself available to meet with folks free of charge as a means to get acquainted. I typically host these meetings at my home in Arlington free of charge.

Slightly different are “working meetings” at which the client couple and I have a chance to meet personally and actually work on, or discuss the detailed language and choreography of the wedding ceremony. The fee for a "working meeting" is $50, but the meetings themselves are entirely optional.

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Dinner and Celebration Invitations

There is still much resonance in the old humor on the wedding officiant who smiles and handshakes his way into staying for a free meal, and many couples feel as if it is polite or appropriate manners to invite the officiant to the dinner and wedding celebration.

Although these kind invitations are very much appreciated, the lifestyle of an active JP would be nothing but PARTY PARTY PARTY if all of the invitations were honored.

In an attempt to spend adequate family time at home, I make it my standard policy to politely decline invitations to the dinner and wedding celebration.

I certainly intend no disrespect, and encourage you to spend this special time with your family and close friends.

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

A “Theme” For Your Wedding Ceremony

Many couples are interested to “personalize” or “customize” the text and overall choreography of their wedding, but don’t know where to begin.

One starting point can be to think of a “theme” for your wedding ceremony. Examples of “themes” can be as diverse as your –

  1. spiritual or religious beliefs,
  2. cultural heritage(s), or
  3. marriage values and ideas regarding what love and marriage is all about.

“Themes” can also be less formal and more personal, such as a story about how you first met, or how this marriage was proposed.

Opportunities for the expression of your “theme” are various, and can be combined or utilized as you prefer.

The first such opportunity is in the opening remarks of your officiant. This narrative can be edited and written to include prayers, blessings, and stories of your choosing.

Other opportunities include the written language of the vows themselves, the choice of passages for guest readers, music selection, musical artist, type or style of unity celebration, the final narrative or benediction, or even the procession and recession to name only a few. I'm also very happy to work together with your photographer, cellist or DJ in order to coordinate our work.

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Are you already married?

Client couples who are interested in multiple wedding ceremonies, or who are already married, often seek my services in order to resolve a variety of life circumstances.

Some couples need a quiet legal marriage before one spouse’s military unit is deployed overseas, but would like to keep their legal marriage a “secret” while preparing for a larger “public” ceremony in the future.

Other couples have already completed their legal marriage, but seek a large, traditional wedding ceremony in order to include their friends, parents and extended family in the celebration of their marriage.

Still other couples have gone “public” with their wedding, sometimes long ago, but now seek a ceremony at which to do a renewal of their wedding vows.

As your Justice of the Peace, I view my role as your employee, and I’m happy to work with you as you prefer. Please feel free to communicate with me in confidence.

Best wishes,

David Barrett, Esq.
Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Unlimited Email Communication

I find myself opening many of these blog entries with the caveat that “all officiants work differently” and email/telephone communication is yet another topic for which this disclaimer applies.

I am happy to provide unlimited electronic mail (and telephone) communication for my clients, and persons inquiring about the services of a Justice of the Peace, free of charge.

If there are changes in your plans or the text of the ceremony, I’m happy to discuss and accommodate those changes without an additional charge.

My fees are not affected by the number of draft versions your ceremony goes through, and I understand that changes up until the very last minute are very commonplace.

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Payment Information

Payment before your event is preferred, and is welcome by cash or personal check.

Checks or money orders should be made out to "David Barrett."

If you prefer to mail your payment, payment can be sent to my attention c/o The Law Offices of David A. Barrett & Associates, P.C., Eight Faneuil Hall Marketplace - Third Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.

Wedding Preparation Fees Waived!

Effective immediately, I have waived all of the customary wedding preparation fees, and will be providing this service free of charge. Wedding ceremony texts with optional elements and model vows are provided online as part of the overall officiant fee.

Wedding officiant fees are as follows -

$75.00 if your wedding ceremony occurs in the City of Somerville

$125.00 if your wedding ceremony occurs in any city or town in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts other than the City of Somerville

$125.00 optional wedding rehearsal fee

$100.00 optional email, telephone and in-person consultation fee

$450.00 New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Maine wedding ceremony

Very truly yours,

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

The Confirmation Letter

Once you have decided to reserve a date and time, my first task is to draft you a confirmation letter.

I use information such as your first and last name, the first and last name of your fiancee, a postal address for one of you, and the location of your ceremony to create the letter.

I typically send the confirmation letter via postal mail within three days of confirming your ceremony, but I can send an electronic copy if you prefer.

Please review the time, date and location information upon recieving the confirmation letter, in order to confirm these critical details. Thank you.

Do you need to change the previously confirmed time or date of your wedding ceremony, wedding rehearsal or officiant working meeting?

Please send an email to with an electronic mail subject line that reads: “JP SCHEDULING – URGENT.”

This email will be responded to by either my scheduling office or myself in the form and combination of postal mail, electronic mail, and telephone communication as appropriate to best serve you.

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

What is your "model ceremony?"

Every officiant works differently, but I provide my clients with a "model ceremony."

I do this so that client couples can see the language that will be used at their ceremony printed in front of them, as a courtesy for their review.

Once you have confirmed your wedding date and time, we can begin the process of working together on your personalized wedding ceremony. Often clients like to download a model ceremony that is at least "in the ballpark" of what they would like for their own (i.e. "Christian Style" or "Non-denomenational Style") from this weblog, and work to adjust the ceremony to suit their preference on their own. These clients then email me the text of what they would like to be said and to occur at their wedding ceremony.

Other clients have other themes in mind for their ceremony, and I'm always happy to work with those couples, or even with your Mobile DJ, to create a ceremony congruent with the theme of your entire wedding day. The notion of "themes" for the wedding ceremony is discussed in other posts on this weblog, and I'm always happy to help develop a ceremony that is as new or as old as suits my clients' preference.

Some folks are professional writers, and would prefer to write the ceremony themselves, while others are very busy with the endless details of a wedding, and would prefer that I do the writing as part of the officiant service. I enjoy being a Justice of the Peace, and I'm happy to work with you as suits your preference.

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

What is the process after the ceremony?

At the conclusion of your wedding ceremony, you will be legally married.

There is nothing for you to sign after the ceremony, all the forms to be signed are completed at the Town or City Clerk's office.

Following the instructions from the Town or City Clerk's office, your officiant completes the officiant portion of the marriage license.

The officiant portion of the license is completed with a black ink pen, by the officiant signing the license, and typing or writing in the location of the ceremony, date of the ceremony, and the officiant's name and address.

The officiant then returns the license to the appropriate Town or City Clerk's office.


Your final marriage certificate is your initial name change documentation, for use with all of the government entities and private companies that you will encounter in your future together.

You may be interested in a Massachusetts Health Care Proxy form.

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

How far in advance must we reserve?

Many commercially available wedding planner products advise that you have your officiant reserved more than a year in advance of your wedding date.

However, weddings come in all shapes and sizes, and many smaller weddings do not allow for such lead-time.

Particular weekend dates with popular officiants in June and September fill up well ahead of time, but a flexible officiant can often find time in their weekly schedule to plan, prepare and officiate at your ceremony.

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Do we need a Wedding Rehearsal?

Every officiant handles wedding rehearsals slightly differently.

The decision on whether to have a wedding ceremony rehearsal depends on various factors, such as the overall expense of the wedding or the number of guests anticipated, the couple's personal experience and familiarity with weddings, the style of the ceremony, to only name a few.

I don't require that I attend your wedding rehearsal myself, as your officiant. If you have already hired a wedding planner, a same-sex wedding planning specialist, or if your function facility has experienced staff available for your rehearsal, it may be an unnecessary expense to pay my fee as well.

However, I am happy to make myself available should you need to me, or if my attendance would make your wedding work better.

My standard rehearsal fee is $125.

Find great links on planning your Wedding Rehearsal at -

Rehearsal Link One

Rehearsal Link Two

Rehearsal Link Three

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

What is a Justice of the Peace?

What is the difference between a "Justice of the Peace" and an "officiant?"

Generally speaking, the authority to pronounce someone wed for a JP would be the government, whereas an officiant's pronouncement authority would come from a religious organization with appropriate government registration.

In the In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the terms "officiant" and "Justice of the Peace" (or "JP", "JOP") are often used interchangably, but many officiants are not actually JP's, and many JP's are not also Ordained Wedding Ministers.

A "Justice of the Peace" is often a person appointed by the Massachusetts Governor, with consultation from the Massachusetts Office of Governor's Council.

JP appointments are initially for seven-year terms, with the number of JP appointments allowed by town in relation to population.

Click here for a Massachusetts Justice of the Peace Summary of Duties.

Click here for more information on starting your own professional practice as a wedding officiant!

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Involving Children in the Wedding Ceremony

From time to time, a client couple will inquire about including a vow or ceremony element that seeks to celebrate the new family relationship formed between the new spouse and a child (or children) in the family.

These types of ceremony elements are often referred to by using the name of one of the commercially available products which can be used in this ceremony, i.e. a “Family Medallion Ceremony,” or more generically by terms like “Children’s Vow,” “New Family Vow,” “Step-Children Vow,” “Children’s Ring Ceremony,” or “Baby Ring Ceremony.”

One example of the wedding ceremony language which may be used in your ceremony is as follows:


As part of the family nature of marriage, we recognize ________ _________ (child) and the significant role s/he plays in this union today celebrated.

__________ _________, please step forward.


With children present, marriage is more than the union of two people. It is the proclaiming of a new family. For love to grow, there must always be a reaching out to include others. Love, therefore, is ultimately directed toward creating a new family, a new community, a new future.

Party A First Name Last Name (or both Party A and Party B) presents to ________ __________ (child) this (ring/medallion/bracelet) as a symbol of family commitment and in recognition of the hope and joy made visible through this marriage.

(Optional Family Medallion Verse)

Marriage is often symbolized by two merged circles. The Family Medallion has three circles to acknowledge love as a relationship of more than two people. When two people love each other they reach out to include others.

David says, and Party A First Name repeats (while placing necklace on child):

In the giving of this (medallion/bracelet/ring)
I, Party A First Name Last Name
pledge to you, _________ _________ (child),
my continuing love,
and protection.


Please join me in celebration as Party A First Name, Party B First Name and _______ (child) begin their new journey together as one family.

(wild applause)

You may be interested in more information available on family unity vows at -

Family Unity Vow Link One

Family Unity Vow Link Two

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

The Ultimate Thank You - Client Referrals

Please find a few links below to some great Massachusetts wedding services providers:

DJ Raffi

Judy's Village Flowers

Captured Moments Photography

Zvi Jalfin Photography

J & C Entertainment

Brett Alison Photo

A Memorable Event

G2R Videography

Agostini Photography

JD Marlow Videography

Staceys Passions

Traveling Monkey Sound

Skillman Video Group

Dreamland Delta

Planned Perfectly

I look forward to working with you.

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Wedding Readings

Often my client couples are interested to find some wedding readings to have one or more guest readers perform during their ceremony

Everyone's taste or preference in what type of reading they like is very different, but these may be some useful links -

Wedding Readings Link One

Wedding Readings Link Two

Wedding Readings Link Three

Wedding Readings Link Four

Wedding Readings Link Five

Also, many couples select one of my model wedding ceremonies, and replace the poem that I read with one of their own choosing. Please email me the final version of your wedding ceremony, so that I get the details as you prefer them.

Best wishes with your wedding planning.


David A. Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Monday, November 07, 2005

Can I get married in Massachusetts if I'm an 'out-of-stater'?

The appropriate offices to contact with questions regarding obtaining a marriage license are any city or town clerk offices in the Commonwealth. City and town clerks are typically found in the City or Town Hall. You may contact a city or town clerk where you live, where you work, or where it is convenient for you.

Generally, same-sex out-of-state marriage license applicants must meet additional criteria (such as intent to reside in Massachusetts, or one of the Parties already residing in Massachusetts) to be granted a marriage license.


Heterosexual out-of-state marriage license applicants need not meet any residency requirement, nor must heterosexual out-of-state marriage license applicants establish an intent to reside in Massachusetts.

GLAD has assembled a wonderful information page, which has a more robust explanation of Massachusetts state law as applied to same-sex marriage license applicants than is provided here.

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Spanish-Speaking Justice of the Peace

Having the appropriate language for your wedding ceremony can be very important.

Cheers for the City of Somerville, who lists the language for their list of JP's.

Find your language of preference, or a mix!

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Justice of the Peace Testimonials

Weddings are so wonderfully diverse and different experiences, and the opinions of various people are very different, so it is important to get recommendations from friends you trust.

Client testimonials can take the place of trusted friends in a pinch.

You may also be interested to read NY Times wedding announcements from some of my former wedding officiant clients, and some recent ones.

If you publish your wedding announcement in a national publication, please let me know!

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Microphones and Wedding Audio

I’m often asked if I provide a voice amplification system, or if I prefer to use one provided by the deejay or event facility. Wireless microphones are considered a wedding videography trend.

I don’t provide a microphone, and whether I suggest using one at all depends on the circumstances of your wedding. Generally, I find that weddings have an enhanced personal and sincere quality when a microphone is not used, and I attempt to avoid using them whenever possible.

There are obvious advantages to having a microphone - video production purposes, allowing those in the back to hear at an outdoor wedding, and if you plan to have around 200 guests in attendance for your wedding, you may want to consider some type of microphone. I would say that my non-amplified voice range is about comfortable seating for 125 or so.

However, the disadvantages are important to keep in mind. Some deejay provided wireless mike & amplification set ups can make your wedding ceremony seem like a ball game, and the personal nature of the ceremony is lost. What I have to say, and your guest speakers are easy enough to broadcast, but when it comes to the vows, it really should be spoken between the persons getting married.

Of course the best solutions come with a considerable price tag. A very sensitive microphone in the area of your ceremony or attached to me together with a quality amplification system can make the enhancement seem natural.

My general suggestion is to listen to the suggestions of your deejay and venue coordinator with a critical ear, and if possible check out the microphone and amplification system as part of the vendor selection process.

Spirituality of the Officiant

Many of the websites that act as directories for wedding officiants ( is one for example) inquire as to the religion or spiritual worldview of the officiant as part of the basic information available to consumers.

From such, I am often asked “David, what kind of Buddhist are you?”

I have maintained a Shambhala Buddhist practice upon completing an informal “taking refuge” ceremony and meditation lesson with the late American poet Allen Ginsberg on June 15, 1994. Since that time, I have worked to integrate my spiritual practice into both my personal and professional lives.

I’m always happy to officiate weddings no matter the religious or spiritual worldview represented as a theme of the wedding ceremony, or of the client couple themselves.

You may find "Vows of Various Faiths” wedding vow examples from Protestant, Lutheran, Episcopal, Methodist, Baptist, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, Presbyterian, Eastern Orthodox, Unitarian, Roman Catholic, Muslim, Quaker, ethical humanist, and interfaith and non-denominational traditions in a downloadable Microsoft Word document at –

“Vows of Various Faiths”

Should you be interested, there is also a link for more Buddhist information below.

Massachusetts Buddhist Organizations and Resources

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Marriage License - When? Where? How?

When do I need to get our marriage license?

The required application timeframes and the license expiration period are the factors to consider when planning when to apply for your marriage license.

In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, there is a three-business-day waiting period in between applying for and obtaining your marriage license. This waiting period may possibly be waived, if you want to appear before a Probate Court Judge and explain why you need the waiting period to be waived.

Marriage licenses are good for a period of 60 days. You will need to apply for a new marriage license if your license has expired before your wedding date.

Weekends and government holidays are important to consider when planning the logistics to get your license. If you have any specific questions, contact your local, friendly Town or City Clerk’s office by using the online directory available under the “links” section on the right side of this page.

Where can I get our marriage license?

Marriage licenses can be obtained at any City or Town Clerk's office. There is not a requirement to get your license in your city/town of residence, nor is there a requirement to get your license in the city/town where you will be having your wedding ceremony.

How can I obtain our marriage license?

Every city/town in the Commonwealth is slightly different in their marriage license application procedures. Follow the links below for information for the City/Town Clerk that is most convenient for you -

Cambridge Marriage License Information

Somerville Marriage License Information

Boston Marriage License Information

Medford Marriage License Information

Arlington Marriage License Information

Framingham Marriage License Information

Dedham Marriage License Information

Shrewsbury Marriage License Information

Nahant Marriage License Information

Salem Marriage License Information

Weymouth Marriage License Information

Melrose Marriage License Information

Malden Marriage License Information

Worcester Marriage License Information

Gloucester Marriage License Information

Fitchburg Marriage License Information

Lexington Marriage License Information

Harvard Marriage License Information

Needham Marriage License Information

Leominster Marriage License Information

Peabody Marriage License Information

Burlington Marriage License Information

Chelmsford Marriage License Information

Bedford Marriage License Information

Concord Marriage License Information

Randolph Marriage License Information

Milford Marriage License Information

Brookline Marriage License Information

Acton Marriage License Information

Andover Marriage License Information

Topsfield Marriage License Information

Natick Marriage License Information

Belmont Marriage License Information

Falmouth Marriage License Information

Provincetown Marriage License Information

Haverhill Marriage License Information

Saugus Marriage License Information

Freetown Marriage License Information

Amherst Marriage License Information

Franklin Marriage License Information

Townsend Marriage License Information

Chilmark Marriage License Information

Bellingham Marriage License Information

Scituate Marriage License Information

Chatham Marriage License Information

Brewster Marriage License Information

Holden Marriage License Information

Pittsfield Marriage License Information

Woburn Marriage License Information

Falmouth Marriage License Information

Winchester Marriage License Information

Dunstable Marriage License Information

Northampton Marriage License Information

Dennis Marriage License Information

Marlborough Marriage License Information

Topsfield Marriage License Information

Wayland Marriage License Information


David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

Weddings in the Boston Public Garden

If you are planning a wedding in the Boston Public Garden, you should check with the City of Boston Parks Department to see if your event will be large enough to require a permit.

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852

RAVES are POURING IN for the new Massachusetts Marriages and Weddings weblog!

“David, you have the best website of any of the Massachusetts Wedding Officiants”

- Ravi, A Google-powered Groom-to-Be

“Thank you so much for the information on your website, David. The website was extremely helpful for us, and it made it possible for us to get this wedding done when we needed to do it.”

- A “Wedding-Planner” Mom After Her Son’s Wedding

“David, I could tell by the thoughtful explanations on your website that you had the personality we wanted in an Officiant for our wedding."

- A Bride-to-Be Who Researched Beyond “The Knot”

“I think your website is right on. After witnessing so many dry ceremonies, I’m excited by the energy you bring to being an officiant. I plan on using you with all of my wedding planning clients.”

- A Professional Wedding Planner

"I can't believe you have audio and music on your website! That's so cool!"

- Another happy wedding client

Interested in more than just the website?

CLICK HERE for additional client testimonials.

This post appeared on a Boston CraigsList Discussion board -

My Rant about Wedding Vendors < bride2b1023 > 09/30 10:04:46

OK - Listen up VENDORS. I know that YOU do this ALL the time. This is your business. That is great and it's why we hired you - but could you PLEASE remember that I don't do this all the time. That this is my ONE wedding and your bored and cocky answers to my silly questions are rather irritating. Seriously - Try to remember that this is not old hat for us and treat us with a little more patience and graciousness. After all, we may not do this again, but our firends might and if you are mean to me you won't get my reference.

Go to BLOGS for Good Customer Service < dbarrett > 11/11 19:42:18

It is very true that many wedding vendors get the same questions again and again, and that the quality of customer service can suffer as a result.

One solution is to work with wedding vendors that help their customers with information on an internet weblog or website.

This way, wedding customers can get the information they need on topics like how to work with wedding vendors, the important planning and scheduling processes, and necessary information particular to the service provided.

Demanding quality customer service makes us all better.

Hang in there, try to enjoy the ride, and best of luck in your wedding planning process.

Very truly yours,

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852