Monday, November 07, 2005

Spirituality of the Officiant

Many of the websites that act as directories for wedding officiants ( is one for example) inquire as to the religion or spiritual worldview of the officiant as part of the basic information available to consumers.

From such, I am often asked “David, what kind of Buddhist are you?”

I have maintained a Shambhala Buddhist practice upon completing an informal “taking refuge” ceremony and meditation lesson with the late American poet Allen Ginsberg on June 15, 1994. Since that time, I have worked to integrate my spiritual practice into both my personal and professional lives.

I’m always happy to officiate weddings no matter the religious or spiritual worldview represented as a theme of the wedding ceremony, or of the client couple themselves.

You may find "Vows of Various Faiths” wedding vow examples from Protestant, Lutheran, Episcopal, Methodist, Baptist, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, Presbyterian, Eastern Orthodox, Unitarian, Roman Catholic, Muslim, Quaker, ethical humanist, and interfaith and non-denominational traditions in a downloadable Microsoft Word document at –

“Vows of Various Faiths”

Should you be interested, there is also a link for more Buddhist information below.

Massachusetts Buddhist Organizations and Resources

David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852