Payment Information
Payment before your event is preferred, and is welcome by cash or personal check.
Checks or money orders should be made out to "David Barrett."
If you prefer to mail your payment, payment can be sent to my attention c/o The Law Offices of David A. Barrett & Associates, P.C., Eight Faneuil Hall Marketplace - Third Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.
Wedding Preparation Fees Waived!
Effective immediately, I have waived all of the customary wedding preparation fees, and will be providing this service free of charge. Wedding ceremony texts with optional elements and model vows are provided online as part of the overall officiant fee.
Wedding officiant fees are as follows -
$75.00 if your wedding ceremony occurs in the City of Somerville
$125.00 if your wedding ceremony occurs in any city or town in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts other than the City of Somerville
$125.00 optional wedding rehearsal fee
$100.00 optional email, telephone and in-person consultation fee
$450.00 New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Maine wedding ceremony
Very truly yours,
David Barrett, Esq.
Massachusetts Justice of the Peace
Toll Free - 1-877-473-7852
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